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Resolution Redo

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Are you the type to make resolutions? Did you make any for 2022? Have you already hit road blocks and feel like giving up? Or maybe you already gave up on your goals?

I don't know about you but I love the idea of a new year bringing a fresh start. For years many of us start in to December looking at the year in review. Reflecting at all the things that went right, and maybe some of the things that didn't. We sit down with a pen and paper, and vow to ourselves to make the next year better! Many of us create a resolution to better ourselves, our business or our lives. So what are some of the top resolutions we make? How many of us actually stick to our resolutions? What happens when we fail to follow through with them?

Let's see what some of the top resolutions are that we made for 2022.

  1. Exercise more

  2. Lose weight

  3. Get organized

  4. Save money

  5. Learn a new hobby/skill

  6. Save more money

  7. Spend more time with family/friends

  8. Read more

Any of these make your list for 2022? Every year so many of us are determined to follow through with one or more of these resolutions, but according to one study, only 8% of people who set out for a change were successful to the end.

What can we do to stick to our resolutions?

January 1st, motivation is strong and we are excited for a fresh start. By month two, many of these goals start to trickle off. According to Forbes, 80% of people admit to abandoning their resolutions by February. So how do we change this statsitc?

Even though, we might have already give up on some of our goals for the year, that doesn't mean it's over and we should give up! Give yourself permission to have a resolution redo, I know I need to!

Here are some tips for sticking to your resolution redos?

  1. Choose realistic resolutions. Dec 31st I had goals to eat healthy, exercise regularly and get organized. Well personally I was only able to work on one in the month of January, which was get organized. I had a few moments of feeling defeated and wanting to throw in the towel for the rest of the year but I decided I needed a redo. Which is why I am writing this!!! Sometimes we all need a redo. Even though at time we may feel like we failed, all we can do is keep trying again.

  2. Mentally prepare for this change. Take a second to reflect on what happened last year or last month that's worked and what hasn't. How can we make small adjustments to make this year successful? Celebrate the little wins and build on these wins.

  3. Break down bigger goals to smaller more manageable goals. Break down your big goals to a weekly, monthly and quarterly goal, this will help you get there with out feeling overwhelmed.

  4. Be specific. If a goal is to loose weight, how much weight do you want to use? What habits can you put in place to achieve this goal?

  5. Write down these goals and look at them daily. This will act as a reminder, and establish intention. When we are reminded every day it will be much harder to forget what the goal was.

So even if your 2022 goals haven't turned out how you expected, just get back on the horse. No one is perfect, so be gracious with yourself. Be prepared that you may slip up but don't let that define the rest of your year. Evaluate why you fell off track and figure out how to not let it happen again.

You are worth it! Stay strong and don't give up on those goals. Make 2022 your year for success!



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